About carol blood

Senator carol blood

I am a Nebraska native and raised my family here in Sarpy County. My husband Joe and I have been married for 33 years and are blessed with three children, and ten grandchildren.

I love this community and I have been an active volunteer and community advocate for decades. I know none of us are guaranteed a tomorrow and I live my life to the fullest extent that I am able to help others, build my community and work toward being a better person every day.

In 2008 I was elected to the Bellevue City Council as the At-Large (city-wide) Representative. I was re-elected in 2012.  In 2016, I was elected to the Nebraska Legislature to serve District 3 and re-elected in 2020. Our communities are full of hardworking and deserving citizens. My efforts on the City Council were dedicated to addressing quality of life issues that had been ignored for decades, to ensure our community remained a safe place to live and raise our families. I strived to always be accessible to my constituents then and I have continued that practice as a Nebraska Senator. If you live in my district, you have likely received a phone call from me or my office checking in on you to see if you have any questions, concerns or comments about the legislature or any policy. I continue this practice because it helps me understand the wants and needs of my district when I can hear these concerns directly from the people I serve. As many of you know, I also give out my personal cell phone number because I want the people I represent to be able to access me when they are in need of help.

It’s not about the “Republican way” or the “Democrat way” – it's about the Nebraska way! I understand your priorities and will work hard to serve the residents of Legislative District 3, Sarpy County, and Nebraska. I am honored to serve you and will work hard to make sure your collective voices are heard. Together we can continue to make Sarpy County and Nebraska a great place to live and raise our families. Let's not participate in the partisan shenanigans going on at all levels of government across our great country. In Nebraska, we can keep our eye on what is important and expect our elected officials to stay focused on who they really serve. Those seeking to serve should not serve special interest groups or political parties, they should serve you.